by on December 17, 2022

World of Warcraft Microtransactions Helped Boost the profit of Activision by $536 Million Activision Blizzard's latest quarterly income report has been released which allows us quantify the successes that has been achieved by World of WoTLK Gold Warcraft and its free-to play battle royale spinoff called Warzone. The figure is staggeringly large, and includes the growth of $536 million in year-on-year in-game spending driven mostly through Modern Warfare.

The overall picture is that Activision Blizzard saw an increase in in-game spending of $596 million when comparing the three months leading through June 30 with the equivalent period last year. The majority ($536 million) comes from Activision however Blizzard was able to record a $19million increase , primarily due to World of Warcraft , and King has seen a boost of $41 million due to King's Candy Crush series.

World of Warcraft & Warzone The Season One Officially Launched Four

The report credits the enormous growth in spending attributable to World of Warcraft, which launched in October of 2019 and was a step up from October 2018's World of Warcraft : Black Ops 4. It also includes Warzone as well. The free-to play battle royale spinoff which launched in March this year. Although World of Warcraft : Mobile was released during the same time along with Modern Warfare, the report states that the latter was the one to do the bulk of the bulk of the work related to microtransactions.

Of course the time frame in question also includes a period when many people worldwide were stuck in lockdowns, which resulted to a surge in gaming spending across the board.

An earlier earnings report pointed out Modern Warfare easily overtaking its predecessor Black Ops 4. well before Warzone was even released. Modern Warfare looks to be an epic gaming title, but not in just the space it'll occupy on your computer.

Blizzard confirmed at Gamescom that it has the World of Warcraft content patch in the works for Legion, even though the planned expansion has yet to be released. The patch 7.1. Return to Karazhan is set to cheap WoTLK Classic Gold bring back the original location as a five-player dungeon that has nine bosses.

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